Changing the world by building strong local communities!

Timothy E. Moores

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When not in use these are a total eyesore and is turning our city into what looks like a junk yard!  They present one more thing that needs bylaws, regulation and government oversight because most citizens are not responsible to care for/steward someone else's property. 

Added a comment to WHAT IS TRUTH  

What a blessed message of hope, encouragement and TRUTH! It's the Day of The Lord and the delusion is deepening very day it seems. But for lovers of The Truth, the light shines more brightly every day as well, and the Light shall shine out of the darkness and expose the lies and corruption. For corruption MUST put on incorruption and the mortal MUST put on immortality!

Thanks for posting this, Brother!

Added a post  
    • I have re-posted this in The Voice organization. Perhaps by doing so I am overstepping my bounds as a member of A VOICE, but I believe there is an increasing effort to turn the voice of many waters into a small trickle.

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      Added a comment to Passing   to  , Timothy E. Moores

      Yes. A long time friend and brother. Look forward to our next meeting when the adventures really begin!! 

      Added a post   to  , Timothy E. Moores

      Letting others know my long time friend Nick Kroeker passed away suddenly recently. There is a hole in the world tonight.

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        Added a post   to  , Timothy E. Moores

        Nice hat!

        Reposted Ronald Allen's post.
        • There is just one short meeting at City Hall this week. The Agenda Review Committee will meet from 9:00 am to 9:30 am tomorrow.
        • Mayor Amarjeet Sohi, his Chief of Staff, and the Deputy City Manager for Urban Planning and Economy, are off to Egypt for the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27) conference. They will attend as part of a provincial delegation from November 8th to 12th. Sohi says this is a good opportunity to show what mid-sized cities are doing to fight climate change. He will be on a panel of municipal leaders discussing net zero emissions. Edmontonians are, of course, footing the yet-to-be-disclosed bill for the trip.
        • Friday is Remembrance Day. The team at Common Sense Edmonton would like to express our heartfelt thanks to those who have served or are currently serving. There are several ceremonies taking place in and around the city. 
        • This is my edited edition


        I said to Tim J while shopping at Home Depot, you can instantly tell who listens to MSM.

        I site 2 comprehensive articles revealing data and studies by experts that convince me that risks of taking these experimental inoculations FAR out-way the benefits, all the while the CDC and FDA say "trust the data" as they continue to hide the supposed data.

        ARTICLE 1

        ARTICLE 2

        For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness (Rom. 1:18 NASB)

        Looking for hashtags, Bro, in your posts....