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Bay Ridge


Bay Ridge

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A gymkhana is an event featuring a starting point, a finish line and some sort of "obstacle" to get through, around, or by, all within a certain time limit and driving in Edmonton now is like driving in a gymkhana event.If where you leave from in order to is of any distance you're sure to encounter some obstacle on the roads. Spring in Edmonton is also road repair season look out for both road obstacles and road repair crews.

 I regret not taking a photo of a sign in front of a body shop on 51st Ave which read "Pothole support group meets here".

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I went shopping for groceries this morning and filled up with gas as well. In the grocery store I noticed a few empty shelves and a costlier bill than I thought it would be. When I filled up with gas it cost  more than last fill up as well.  The EDMONTON JOURNAL article below suggests the vaccine mandate for truckers crossing the USA/Canada border accounts for higher prices in the grocery store but doesn't address the increase ingas prices.

    • Should a vaccine mandate be applied to cross border truckers? (poll question)Absolutely NOT! Beyond the fact that they should be "exempt", there should not be ANY mandates at all for anyone as mandating an untested, experimental jab is non-constitutional both in America and in Canada and is in breach of Canaddian constitutional law as well as the Nuremberg code.

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      The article below by Tara Henley, a Canadian writer and podcaster is a must read about "free speech".

      WOWagora encourages, empowers and enables people to share their arguments, criticisms, ideas, opinions, suggestions, thoughts, etc. freely. Although we may vehemently disagree with what some may say we support their right of free speech to say it. We believe that the free exchange of arguments, criticisms, ideas, opinions, suggestions, thoughts is the best and only way of truly accepting, understanding and loving others, even those we disagree with. Having said that we do not support anything which promotes abuse, bullying, hatred, hostility, violence of and against others and encourage WOWagora members to report such incidents.

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      Radial engines image_transcoder.php?o=bx_froala_image&h=326&dpx=1&t=1644100483Saito 60r

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        After almost two years of mandates and restrictions it appears that there may a plan for Edmontonians and Albertans to get from under the Covid cloud as has already happened elsewhere.

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          When Premier Kenney announced the gradual removal of restrictions beginning Tuesday midnight one might think that everyone would celebrate the news. Not only was it not a cause for mass celebration it caused mixed reactions from three different sectors of our city as well as the general populace.

          Below are reports on the reactions of three different and important sectors of Edmonton. The first is City Council's reaction, that is followed by comments from some in the business community and lastly is a report from Edmonton Public Schools.

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            • As a kid I was done with mask mandates before they even started!!!

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              War is costly in every way but nothing more costly than the loss of life. Its not surprising to hear of the number of casualties in Ukraine but Russian troops have experienced casualties as well and each life lost is one that happened because of mans' inhumanity to his fellowman. 

              Bob Dylan asked a question in 1963 that many people are still asking today "how many deaths will it take 'til he knows That too many people have died?" The answer he said was blowing in the wind. I don't know if Bob Dylan knew or meant it but the Greek word for Holy Spirit is pneuma which can also be translated as wind. Mans' answers fail and fall woefully short which is why we need the answer blowing in the Wind/pneuma.

                • This is something I keep in mind: the people of Russia are not to blame for the war. The Russian government is to blame. The people of Russia are suffering as well because of their government's actions. They may, or may not, be suffering to the same extent that the Ukrainian people are suffering, but there's no need to demonize the people of Russia. Many of these people don't want the war, either, but are at the mercy of their tyrant leaders.

                  Innocent Russians are also losing their lives due to the injustice of this unnecessary war, created by an evil man's inflated ego.

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                  • So true!

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                    Men are saying that Jesus Christ came as a social reformer.


                    We are social reformers; Jesus Christ came to alter us, and we try to shirk our responsibility by putting our work on Him.

                    Jesus alters us and puts us right; then these principles of His instantly make us social reformers. They begin to work straightway where we live....

                    Oswald Chambers

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                    The drug crisis that has ravaged North America for over a decade and left almost 1 million casualties in its wake continues its deadly scourge and shows no sign of abating. Unfortunately the casualty count continues to rise in Edmonton and Alberta and it is front-line workers who face this crisis head on every day.

                    The war against this drug crisis has been a losing battle even though bilion$ are being spent to fight it on many fronts causing one to question if the money is being spent wisely.

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                    • The Legislature is back and will sit beginning on Monday, carrying on in the afternoons through to Thursday. We are expecting an amendment to the Municipal Government Act to be tabled this week, amongst other items.
                    • Committees will be meeting this week to discuss the main estimates, which are essentially the provincial budget broken down by department. Rather than list the details of every meeting here, we’ve written an explainer that includes a handy spreadsheet that lists which department is meeting and when. Estimates considerations will continue for about two weeks.
                    • Alberta Gaming Liquor and Cannabis (AGLC) has made changes that will allow private cannabis retailers to conduct online sales for the first time. AGLC will be exiting the online market, and a final bit of red tape will make things more difficult for those companies looking to enter it. Cannabis retailers must obtain an endorsement to their license from AGLC in order to conduct online sales and must also have a physical retail store in order to obtain the license, which eliminates a lot of the reasons you would want an online store in the first place.


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