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 The voice of Christ Jesus, the Son of God, is like the voice, or shining of the Sun, and each are variegated. Both, the Sun and the Son's voice, have facets. They are diversified. The voice of Christ, like the Sun's, is one voice; but in it is a spectrum of many colors.

 According to the Oxford University Press Dictionary, spectrum is: "1 a band of colors produced by separation of the components of light by their different degrees of refraction, e.g. in a rainbow. 2 the entire range of wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation. 3 a characteristic series of frequencies of electromagnetic radiation emitted or absorbed by a substance. 4 the components of a sound or other phenomenon arranged according to frequency, energy, etc...." 

 We see that not only light has a spectrum, but sound as well. Moreover, anything which brings understanding is light, especially if it has to do with Christ. Jesus is Light; for not only do we know this by experience; but He declared the same: 12Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. John 8:12. He is also the Word, as we are told in John 1:1 and 1 John 1:1. He is the Word and He is the Light; therefore that which comes from Him - His Word - is Light. The sound of His words - His Voice - is a streaming beam of Light Words. Any portion of Him, the glance of His eye, His smile, His piercing gaze, His breath, His presence, His words, His voice - is Light. For there is nothing of Him which is not light. It is no marvel, then, when His words are spoken in due season and received by the spirit of revelation, they enlighten the hearer and make the heart glad.

 The anointed voice streaming from the heavens is like vibrant photons. These light-sound waves open our eyes and give us quick understanding where there was none before. When revelation comes, we see because of the light of Christ contained in the voice. We hear the voice by the Spirit as it pierces it way into deep regions of God's mysteries. His brilliant voice awakens us to His Day. Truly, the Voice of Christ is Light, and that supreme voice has a spectrum, a spectrum which contains unfolding characteristics of who He is. 

 Although common, there is something about a voice that is truly amazing. For instance, it can cause one's spirit to sore beyond unfathomable heights, or at the change of a tone it can bring it crashing to the lowest hell. A voice can soothe and heal, or it can wound and kill. It can kindle love; but it can also drive one to hate. A voice, whether a whisper or a shout, can be instrumental in accomplishing towering feats, and it can also be the force that destroys them. Voices come in countless forms -- in the glance of an eye, the hiss of a serpent, the rustle of leaves, the sound of wind, and the blast of a trumpet, but especially in the words of man. 

 The Spirit moved and worlds were framed by the Word of God. (1)Mountains and hills trembled and moved at the roar of His voice and the thundering of His word. Mountains of hindrances can also be moved when one hears an inspiring word, believes what is heard, and then applies action to the message that the voice declares. Anything from small to large, insignificant to great can be realized by almost anyone when they are stirred by the word of a good voice. On the other hand, there are voices which harbor demoralizing spirits and can work the opposite. They have the ability to disrupt and crumble people's worlds. When such sounds are heard and the people surrender to them, devastation can be their fruit. 

 Voices can be energized with either life or death as they transmit the very thought, intent, character, and nature of the one generating the voice. When a man or woman is motivated by the spirit of love, joy, and peace, their voice will be that of love, joy, and peace. If a man is a liar, even when he is relating a fact, the spirit of that man is in his voice, and it radiates a lie. Simply put, there is more to one's voice than words alone. Voices are constructed of words which are the vehicles wherein spirits travel, whether good or evil.

 Words are extremely important; for they bring us to knowledge and understanding; but regardless of the words, we should be aware that the true essence of life or death, is in the power of the tongue. Life or death is the substance of words, and it is carried by voices. The quickening power of life or the slaying of death abide in the voice of words. 

 The Voice of all voices, of course, is the one which is flooded with Life - the Voice of Jesus Christ: "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth My word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life....The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the Voice of the Son of God: and they that hear shall live." John 5:24-25. 

 Who else can say this in truth? Other's may have claimed the same; but Jesus is the only one whose voice has passed the test of time. All other voices have failed and have either become silent over the ages or they have an uncertain sound, and no life is found in them. Of course, those who are one with Him speak the same voice, and life springs forth when heard.

 When a man's voice comes by the inspiration of his own intellect, it emits the cold rays of death. Rather than radiating the Healing Light of Christ, the true light which comes from above, it is man's voice of darkness and comes from below. Such a voice carries the stroke of death on its foreboding wings.

 The Voice of the Son/Sun of God comes streaming from the heavens, bringing its healing light and life in His rays. It awakens dead and darkened worlds, and like natural light that is complete with seven colors, His voice is also complete. It is made up of seven radiant characteristics. Let us briefly notice these seven colors of light and see how they apply spiritually to people when Christ begins to voice each ray into their spirits. RED light, or voice, speaks of the sacrificial LOVE of the Son. The ultimate release of that love was voiced in the shedding of His blood at Calvary. The love which He love took to the cross, the love that constrained Him to pour out His life for an undeserving world, is the same love with which He shines in the very beginning of everyone's life as they are initially awakened to life and saved.

 His voice also consists of BLUE. It unfolds from the expanse of the endless HEAVENS of the Father and the Son. It speaks of the ascended One, the Eternal One, He who has no beginning nor ending of days. It speaks of the One who knows the end from the beginning. It speaks of He who holds the world in the vastness of the blue heavens of Himself, of He who knows the makeup and frame of every creature. It is as the song declares, "He's got the whole world in His hands." 

 The BLUE Light, or Voice, of Christ is not from the corruption and darkness beneath. It does not have the sound of the dull, brown hue of the first Adam's dust. It is brilliant and pure. It is from above. It is endless. It is His Father. That voice rings with the crystal clarity of the blue sapphire stone, which typifies the expanse of God's heavens, even His throne: 

 His voice of YELLOW, by no means suggests the character of cowardice, as the term is often used in our modern English -- but of the manifestation of God's nature. That priceless nature, of course, comes with much fire, even as pure gold in the natural comes by the refiner's fire. 

 When the golden yellow flame of His voice blazes from the furnace of the Son, His kings are made ready for the reign. By the voice of the King of kings comes victory over every enemy in their land, and they sit with Him in His throne Rev. 3:21. Not only do they sit with Him, they are the very gold by which it is overlaid; for gold is God's nature manifested in, through and from man. These kings are His substance, His proven nature that covers His ivory throne of righteousness (Himself). We must always be clothed by His righteousness, or we will be found naked; but there is a time when we are His covering; for otherwise He could not be seen. We can see this typified in King Solomon's throne: 17Moreover the king made a great throne of ivory, and overlaid it with pure gold. 2 Chr. 9:17.

 When our Lord's red love of sacrifice merges with the golden yellow of His nature, it forms ORANGE, which speaks of HEATED PASSION. It is not a passion germane to the world, full of lust and sensuality. It is the passion generated by unadulterated love of the highest form. Christ's orange voice thunders HIS BLAZING PASSION, a passion that shines with burning Godfire. It is the unquenchable fervor from the throne of His sovereignty. 

 There is a voice from the Sun that QUICKENS. It brings forth LIFE - LIVING, GREEN growth - to the trees of the forest and grass of the fields. Blue and yellow make green. This sounding light gives Life as it incorporates the eternal blue of the Father's heavenly throne with the golden essence of the Son's throne in the earth. The twain shall be one and bring forth life.

 Once a person is born from above there must be the voice of life, the green rays of Life to shine in his soul, or he will weaken and die. As an infant needs milk to grow, so everyone born of the Spirit needs the green voice, the green light of Christ's anointed Word to grow. Peter said this about it: 2As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby. 1 Pet. 2:2.

 INDIGO is another characteristic of the enlightening voices of Christ. Being a DEEP BLUE with a hint of sacrificial red, we see it as referring to His voice that descends to the unfathomable depths of the seas of humanity. Such a voice is able to descend into the deepest regions of men's souls while carrying with it the redeeming blood of Jesus. It penetrates to the bottom of the sea of humanity's death. Such a voice is able to save to the utmost. At Christ's command everything relinquishes its hold -- the sea, death, and hell give up their dead. Every realm which holds the dead surrenders and releases their captives. Christ's light of indigo plumbs the depths thought to be unreachable, and He says, "Arise ye fallen of men. Come forth from the deep. Stand and take your place in the ranks of the redeemed." This voice trumpets as the early morning reveille, declaring to 10Arise ye, and depart; for this is not your rest: because it is polluted, it shall destroy you, even with a sore destruction. Mic. 2:10. 

 And lastly, we hear Him in the VIOLET voice of light - supreme ROYALTY. This awe-inspiring color is made from Red and Blue -- the first and the last primary colors of the spectrum. He trumpets from the throne of His blue heavens' sacrificial love. It echoes through every valley and dark shadow of death the shed blood of the Redeemer, the all-encompassing One from above.

 Jesus poured out the red blood of His physical frame so we could live. It is in the enlightenment of the violet voice with which He robes the royal Sons of God -- the exalted voice of the Perfected Man from the heavens, He who poured out that holy life for all. He emptied Himself of everything that pertained to the earth. He is the End result, the Conclusion, the Finale, the Last which we see, and it is in His flowing violet light of Royalty. In this, the red and blue, the First and the Last, the Alpha and the Omega, He reaches from start to finish, from the beginning to end. From His blue eternity He compasses all things and sprinkles them with His crimson blood. That voice sends its rays radiating throughout humanity, bringing an end to the death of man. Tremendous, unfathomable, incomprehensible is that Royal Voice of the Son of God, Jesus Christ the King of kings. 

 Now that we can see the significance, at least in part, of the colors of the light and sound spectrum, let us continue with hearing and seeing the Voice of the Sun. 

 When we walk in the individual lights, or hear the voice of each character, we walk in the realm of time; but when we move and have our being in the entire spectrum - eternity opens her arms and bids us to come. Jesus is the (5)full spectrum of God. He is the Word of God. He is (6)the Light. There is no lack in His voice. He is I AM. In Christ Jesus time ceases. There is no past or future in Eternity. Eternity envelopes all things, and when we rise and are enveloped by the effulgence of that endless expanse, we see all things - from the beginning to the end - in the ever-present now.


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