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  • Our Can't Stop Alberta Tour continues. We’re headed to Red Deer on Tuesday, and Vulcan on Wednesday. We’ll be discussing K-12 education, Alberta’s relationship with Ottawa, energy policy, and more. Attendance is free, but if you’re so inclined, you can make a donation to help cover our venue hire costs and our travel expenses. We hope to see you at one or more of the events, and if you're not in the cities listed above, don't worry - just check the list online for an event near you.
  • The Province will be holding a number of geographically targeted telephone town halls to gauge Albertans’ interest in a provincial pension plan. The first one takes place this evening and is intended for people living in Northern Alberta. The others will take place on October 24th (Southern Alberta), November 9th (Calgary and surrounding area), November 16th (Edmonton and surrounding area), and November 22nd (Central Alberta). All of the events run from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm. You can either preregister or visit the website to listen live. The NDP is also having a consultation event online, on October 19th at 6:30pm.
  • Alberta Health Services (AHS) is enforcing stricter masking rules within hospitals to manage COVID-19 outbreaks, but regions and hospitals have the freedom to disregard these directives. The decision to enhance masking for staff, patients, and visitors, along with its extent, depends on various factors such as outbreak numbers and hospitalization rates.


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