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  • This morning, at 9:30 am, there will be a meeting of the Community and Public Services Committee. The Committee will discuss extending the City’s childminding agreement with the YMCA. A successful pilot project saw the City partner with the YMCA to provide childcare at recreation facilities, which the City says helped to bolster attendance numbers at those facilities. Administration is recommending a five-year agreement - a $5.5 million expense. The Committee will also discuss two items of unfinished business from July meetings - the Current Status of City-Enabled and City-Provided Indigenous Business Supports, and the Community Safety and Well-Being Strategy Implementation Update.
  • On Tuesday, at 8:30 am, there will be a meeting of the Agenda Review Committee, followed by a meeting of the Urban Planning Committee at 9:30 am. At the latter meeting, the Committee will discuss several transit-related matters, including a report on transit service in new communities, and a report outlining a plan to establish a pilot program for bus service to help youth access recreation centres after school hours. The Committee will also decide whether or not to have the Mayor write a letter to both the Province's Minister of Environment and Protected Areas, and the federal Minister of Environment and Climate Change, supporting the designation of the North Saskatchewan River as a Heritage River under the Canadian Heritage Rivers System.
  • On Wednesday, at 9:30 am, there will be an Executive Committee meeting. Turns out that the City collected too much money under its special tax for Alley Lighting Maintenance - $355,914 too much. But, they’re not going to give it directly back. The Committee is going to recommend that Council apply the money to the 2024 Alley Lighting Maintenance Special Taxes. 

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