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 By Elwin Roach

A few years ago many were praying for the complete vindication of Donald Trump so he could be free to rule as the duly elected president, as a Cyrus, while others were praying that he would be impeached and shamefully disposed of. Of course, as we remember, the Steele Dossier was found to be false and he kept his office as the president, but lost the 2020 presidential election. A large number of his supporters believe that the Dominion voting machines showed a change of majority votes from Trump to Bidden, and at the same time of the evening of the election.We will most likely never know the ins and outs of the election; but, please, saints of the everlasting Kingdom, let us not be praying, as it were, for the captain of our favored "football team" to pull off a win. But rather, we should pray for the mind of our Father. Thereby, we will see and know the in-workings of all things that will fulfill His purpose at the proper time. We can then, as anointed shepherds, decree His will and it WILL be done.So now, do we pray for mercy and blessings, or judgment and sorrows? Without His mind in the matter, we have no way of knowing; but as it stands today, it appears to be judgment and sorrows.At this moment we do not see any man or woman as another Cyrus. The present one is certainly not such a king. But let it be understood, this base man was set in place by divine appointment. So who are we to say nay to His choice? To be reminded:"There is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God....For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil." Romans 13:1, 3.With this word, do you suppose the commander and chief, and vice president, of our nation today is for our good, or are they as scripture says? Unless you are deaf and blind to the core, it is clearly seen that the regime of today is the most evil and misrepresented our nation has ever known, even as their child, "woke," leads millions to their gullible insanity.Do we see the end from the beginning? Do we grasp all the interwoven workings of good and evil in God's plan for the end of the age? Not for a second! But let us rest assured that all is well!Frankly, it is the same with us as individuals; that is, the Spirit also works as effectually for us and in us as it does with the president and the so called "justice department." Therewith, today, we do not see a Cyrus who is set to free us from Babylon, but the exact opposite. Although an individual person may play a part of our well being, our King of deliverance is not a flesh and blood man. It is Jesus Christ! He is our driving force. He sees us through all of our difficulties, especially as we grasp the absolute need for Him. It is then that we can hold dear to our hearts His grace and omniscient power that enables us to conquer that which may seem to be unconquerable.Can we see why it is necessary for God's people to have so many gates of brass and bars of iron; that are, obstacles, trials, and tribulations? I am persuaded that religion void of the trials of hardships is but a spoof, a sham, a mockery, a put-on charade at best. Although religiously dressed up and portrayed as righteous ones, they are generally empty shells acting a theatrical part, living a lie on the stage of their church and the world.It has been said that "The naked truth is better than well-dressed lies," and regardless of how well-dressed the act might be, untried religion can never give people the wherewithal to be overcomers. Such acting has never nor will ever afford one of such esteem. It has nothing to equip anyone with what it takes to overcome. And please know, walking according to the Law the best that is humanly possible, is not walking in the Spirit.Religion without life cannot bring heaven’s bliss into a man’s soul. Many are very well satisfied with the world, when their fruit is the part of tree that is good, rather than the evil. But that tree is in the world, and does not pertain to the life flow of the Spirit of the Tree of Life.Remove the tribulation, which true religion knows so well, takes away the effectual working of the Spirit in people’s lives. Without hardships it will leave them with a hull, an appearance, a façade of the treasures of darkness but no substance.Please keep in mind: Let us by all means praise God for all our trials in life. "In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus in regard to you." 1 Thessalonians 5:18.And also as James wrote: "Count it all joy when you fall into diverse trials." James 1:2. Count it a blessing that we were chosen of the Lord to be numbered among those who are burdened and exercised in hardships and tribulations and terrible tempests. For by God's grace our souls will be supported, comforted, and eventually delivered from it all.As the hidden treasures of darkness become a living reality, we will find ourselves upon the blissful shores of our Lord’s peace where all sorrow and tears are wiped away.We may read these encouraging words and rejoice, that is, until we find ourselves in the prisons of darkness where there are no comforts to the soul. We may plead for mercy and for God’s vengeance to be poured out to those who have persecuted us or were responsible for our unbearable adversities that are shaking apart every sound thing in our lives. But let us not be of such demeanor; for remember, Paul and Silas were not in despair while in prison but were praying and singing hymns as the other prisoners listened. But to make matters supposedly worse, a great earthquake hit while in that foreboding place.That, however, is what it took to open the prison doors and break the bonds of not only Paul and Silas, but all the prisoners. And due to this tragedy, the jailer, along with his household, were saved.You see, there were treasures of darkness in that prison. Paul, Silas, the jailer, and his family were brought forth for all to see. So, stand fast, brethren, and see your treasures brought forth that will pass in review before all men everywhere.This is not understood by the majority, not only those of the world but not many in the church either. Until natural minds are renewed, some of our Father’s doings will not be what many would choose or even think could be something He would be a part of. For instance, if the current president happens to be another Cyrus who discovers the treasures of darkness and sets the captives free, some will surely disagree, as do I, with such a choice of God's anointed shepherd. For this unlikely shepherd who serves His purpose has nothing in him we can see that suggests, or even hints, he is a Cyrus; but is more like the clueless Belshazzar of whom judgment was pronounced upon him. "And this is the writing that was written, MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN. This is the interpretation of the thing: MENE; God hath numbered thy kingdom, and finished it. TEKEL; Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting. PERES; Thy kingdom is divided, and given to the Medes." Daniel 5:25-28.Such, of course, is not uncommon; but we might ought to get used to these orders from God's High Court; for when they are given to the Watchers, they will demand that they are fulfilled whether politically minded carnal people like it or not.

GOD'S UNLIKELY SHEPHERDS (Pt 2) continued here 

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