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By Elwin Roach

We will notice the shepherds of God today; but perhaps not the shepherds we might have expected, such as, the Good Shepherd:"I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine." John 10:14.Some of God's shepherds are far from the Good One, but they are still called the anointed shepherds of God. Oh, the mystery of it, as we will see.For instance, Daniel studied the scroll of Jeremiah and realized that Israel’s 70 years of Babylonian Captivity had been completed. During his study, Daniel also found that Isaiah had predicted the name of a pagan King who would deliver them. The prophet then took the scroll to that man, king Cyrus of Persia, and showed him that God had recorded his name in Scripture two hundred years earlier. History says that it shook him to the core, yet giving him the confidence to attack Babylon, and in turn, to free Israel from their captivity. The prophetic deceleration even called the idol worshiping king His "anointed shepherd:""Who saith of Cyrus, He is my shepherd, and shall perform all my pleasure....Thus saith the LORD to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have holden, to subdue nations before him..." Isaiah 44:28 & 45:1.This word was not given to one of the holy prophets or any of the kings of Israel; but to Cyrus. Although an idol worshiping pagan, he was an instrument chosen by God to overthrow the Chaldean empire and free Israel from decades of Babylonian bondage that God had chosen to befall Israel.It was almost three thousand years ago that Isaiah gave that message. The prophecy came two centuries before Cyrus, and he was called by name, and this unfolded exactly as Isaiah had duly prophesied.The prophet also spoke concerning this unlikely shepherd:"I will give you the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that you may know that I, the LORD, which call you by your name, am the God of Israel." Isaiah 45:-3.Once the Jews were freed, Cyrus issued an edict for them to rebuild their Temple in Jerusalem. And, on the exact day he issued the decree, his soldiers unearthed vast amounts of silver and gold that the king of Babylon had hidden under the Euphrates River. God’s Word was fulfilled to the letter.The treasures of Babylon were like treasures in a bank vault. They were locked in the darkness of that kingdom until broken into and taken by Cyrus. Some of those treasures taken from the depository and returned to Jerusalem were five thousand four hundred gold and silver vessels of the house of the LORD, which Nebuchadnezzar had brought out of Jerusalem and had put them in the darkness of the house of his gods. Ezra 1:7.It is the same in the spirit that is working according to His will today. There are treasures of the LORD that are hidden away in dark places that are to be brought back to their rightful place in the Kingdom of God. These obscure places can be deep within individuals, hidden in the darkness of religious organizations, as well as in the world. Unless it is by the Spirit, nobody will peer into those obscure places. If He does not open their eyes and send them forth, it will be impossible for anyone to see God's treasures that lay in reserve.One might not suspect that the two Babylons, one of religion and the other of the government, would be holding many treasures of God’s riches, but they do, and these treasures are not only spiritual things, but they are also people. In Exodus 19:5 they are called a peculiar treasure who are called out of darkness while in the New Testament they are called a peculiar people called out of darkness. 1 Peter 2:9 & Titus 2:14.It should be clear that we are the firstfruits of His peculiar treasure who were called out of darkness. But there are others that are still hidden away in the dark vaults of their own souls as well as that of the world. These neither know it nor do they know God; but He knows them and called them by name a long time ago, even like it was with us:"According as He hath chosen us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love." Ephesians 1:4.The time, of course, will come when they will indeed know Him. He will call them in the Spirit by name. It is then that they will be awakened and begin to know Him. As with Cyrus, they will be shaken to the core, and for the first time also know who they are.Whether these treasures are individuals in the darkness of Babylon, the treasures of His life that are hidden within the depths of their souls, or the treasures hidden in the darkness of the world, when the anointed ones of the Lord (the anointed watchmen in the heavens, the earth, or are nations' officials), they will invade man's kingdom. The treasures will be found and possessed. "Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine." Isaiah 43:1At the appointed time, these treasures of darkness are to be brought into the light, no longer hidden from us or the world. These treasures are not only to be brought into the light, unveiled, and made known; but as the hour of the unveiling comes, without delay each of us will possess and present them to those in dire need of a long-awaited, refreshing rain. Until that time it can be said:"Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for them that love him." 1 Corinthians 2:9.Ah! Of necessity, the manifestation of the Sons of God! Who can remotely imagine the glory of it? None, to be exact! Moreover, there are none who can prevent it when the time comes.Over the years, even centuries, a number of individuals have promoted themselves as having the keys to the treasures of darkness, claiming they hold the rich mysteries of God’s Kingdom. However, not one of them whose eyes have not been opened by hearing the voice of the Son of God can truthfully lay claim to knowing anything about these treasures. Each of them must first be brought into view of the divine revelation before this is possible, and when this comes, the flood-tide and flow of heaven’s riches will never cease; for the increase of His government shall never end.You see, the plural word, treasures, signifies not only something laid up and hidden from common view and possession, but suggests an infinite, incalculable supply. It is an amount which cannot be exhausted. It suffices the soul and all spiritual needs and pleasures. It suffices and continually suffices, again and again, over and over, all needs and joys of His wonderful life.As truth dawns in the person, and in the Spirit they see or know that their name is written in the book of life, the work of our Lord Jesus begins to be a reality. It is then that the ever-flowing fullness of His grace in, through, and out of us can be known and seen. It super-abounds over sin and fills our souls with holy awe while being as natural as breathing air. When we truly see the virtue and power that we have, it will produce the desired effect of manifesting those inconceivable treasures of darkness.The end purpose of the cross will be experientially known, while carnal man’s appetites are forever consumed by the glory of God’s majesty. The blood of our Lord that judiciously cleanses all from all sin will be a manifested reality. His resurrection that we already know in part will rise in us. His purity, His holiness, His righteousness which is unto all will be joyfully embraced into the age of the ages.


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