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The prophets had told of the coming of the Messiah (Christ) and so the Jews waited for that prophesy to be fulfilled. At the time of his appearing on the earth, Israel was again enslaved but this time by the Romans, under Caesar, so they believed that when the Messiah came he would free them from the high taxes and oppression that was destroying them. Political freedom was not what Christ came to give them for he declared, “MY KINGDOM IS NOT OF THIS WORLD.” The nature of his ministry was not to fight against the issues of this world, but to bring to us a SPIRITUAL FREEDOM that would release us from every kind of materiality. It was because of this that Israel rejected their Messiah and would not submit under his authority. 

However, in case the Gentiles would rise up and condemn Israel for their treatment of the Christ, let me hasten to say that we have likewise rejected the Christ, because he did not come to fill our bank accounts, or guarantee that our bodies would not die of Cancer, or stop our children from taking drugs. Now this may shock many people but the coming of the Christ to this earth 2000 years ago was not to change anything in this physical material world, nor to fight against it. His statement is quite clear, “MY KINGDOM IS NOT OF THIS WORLD.” Christians have failed to accept this truth and as a result have turned from the Lord to human effort to get the result that they desire. Unfortunately the “Church” has never told people the truth, that Jesus Christ did not come to change things in this physical world or to fight against the political system of the day, but to establish a SPIRITUAL KINGDOM that would set a man free, Mentally, Physically and Spiritually. John 8:36, tells us, “If the SON (Christ) therefore shall make you free you shall be free indeed or totally.” It is important to know that God will not give his power to overcome any other power in this world. The reason being that there is only ONE POWER in this universe  so there is nothing to overcome.   

An emphasis on the SPIRITUAL NATURE of the Kingdom of God is required today more than any other time in the history of man. From the time Adam took the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, man has walked this earth as a mortal human being ignorant of the fact that his origin “out of God” is spiritual, and his true identity as a child or Son of God is also spiritual. The Kingdom of God has nothing at all to do with the physical, material world in which we live. Matthew 5:20 “For I say unto you, except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.”  Here Jesus is declaring that the Kingdom is essentially SPIRITUAL in nature affecting our behavior. Matthew 7:21 “Not every one who is saying to me Lord, Lord, shall come into the reign (Authority and Power) of the heavens; but he who is doing the will of my Father who is in the heavens.” Again the Kingdom must be an expression of the SPIRIT, which is Christ. 

Romans 14:17 For the Kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. 1 Corinthians 4:20 For the Kingdom of God is not in word, but in power. (Dunamis= Inherent power) 1 Corinthians 15:50 Now this I say, brethren, that FLESH and BLOOD cannot inherit the Kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption. Colossians 1:13 Who hath delivered us from the power (and Authority) of darkness, and hath translated us into the Kingdom of his dear Son (The Son of his love.) These scriptures will be sufficient to establish the spiritual nature of the Kingdom of God. So many today believe that if they know the facts and verses then they have entered into the truth they express. However, our entrance into the Kingdom of God has never been through an activity of the natural mind. This is despite the fact that Salvation has been presented by the Church as the result of doing that involves the natural mind, which has no power to change our true nature or character. 

Paul says the entrance into the Kingdom is by way of TRANSLATION and this word is used in Heb.11:5 regarding Enoch, but there is no detail given on the nature of the spiritual change that was involved. Elijah had a similar experience when he also was “Changed.” But the clearest indication of the circumstances involving this spiritual change is revealed in Rom. 12:2. “ And be not conformed to this world: but be ye “transformed” by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” Strong’s concordance says this of the word Transformed:- (metamorphoo {met-am-or-fo'-o} Meaning to change into another form, to transform, to transfigure). An example of this is found in the change in Christ’s appearance on the mount of transfiguration, when his body radiated a divine light brighter than the noon-day sun. 

We automatically consider that the change on the mount of transfiguration, took place only in Jesus Christ. However, the truth is that a change took place in the disciples when the scales were taken from their eyes, allowing them to see the spiritual reality that stood there before them. This involved a MIND CHANGE that allowed them to see what the natural mind could never see because it is limited to the physical material world. They saw the Christ in all his glory, and in that spiritual world dwelt the saints of all ages, who are present everywhere but invisible to our natural mind. Paul declares that this Change is the TRANSFORMATION OF THE MIND. This ability to access the spirit world did not continue to function in the disciples at that time even though the memory remained. 

The Kingdom of God for most Christians consists of healing for the body, the supply of finance to do what ever we want to do, and the removing of obstacles that prevent us from fulfilling our will and desires. In other words all we want God to do is to make us happy in this human mortal life. The “Prosperity Doctrine” has been greeted with great enthusiasm by the “Church,” even though it has nothing to do with the Kingdom of God. Every day as we read, “Seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you,” we are being offered exactly the same spiritual ministry that Jesus Christ offered to the people 2000 years ago. Israel wanted physical freedom but ignored their lack of spiritual freedom. Many today seek for physical healing but ignore the power of death that debilitates them spiritually and physically every day. 

All that we have as well as all that we would desire, has been given to us in the Christ that dwells in us. There is nothing more that we need, once we have discovered all that he is. But of course that is only knowledge until it becomes our reality, that is why we must develop our spiritual consciousness, that will open up to us that invisible world which contains the only realities of life that exist. Until we can access the invisible world of spirit we will grope in the dark and be amused with the issues of time and sense that will take us nowhere and allow “Death” to continue to work unabated in us until 

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