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  • Today, there will be a City Council Public Hearing at 9:30 am to deal with zoning amendments. The Agenda Review Committee will meet on Tuesday at 8:30 am.
  • Also on Tuesday, there will be a meeting of the Council Services Committee at 9:30 am. On the agenda is the Common Travel Plan - the Committee is being asked to approve funding for the costs associated with representing the City of Edmonton as an official representative or appointee at conferences and board meetings. The Code of Conduct Sub-Committee will meet later in the day, at 1:30 pm, to discuss feedback from Councillors on the Code of Conduct Bylaw.
  • On Wednesday, at 9:30 am, there will be a meeting of the Emergency Advisory Committee. The Committee will review the 2022 Municipal Emergency Plan. Also on Wednesday, at 1:30 pm, there will be a City Council Non-Regular Meeting to discuss the first update to the 2023 Operating Budget. This is why we haven’t given up the fight against reckless spending like the $100 million bike lane boondoggle - there are always amendments and opportunities for Council to listen to reason and cancel programs! 


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