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Headstone Ministries


Headstone Ministries

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About Us

HEADSTONE INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES exists as a prophetic word from the LORD, revealing the hour in which we live, as the Headstone is the final Stone to complete God’s work before Jesus returns.  In a season marked by great shaking occurring in the earth in every sphere of life, this epoch will be turbulent and volatile. However, for the true and authentic Church of God, this time will be its greatest hour, a season marked by God’s Glory, Love and Power!

The tumult of this hour in history, demands that a high caliber of authentic apostolic and prophetic leadership begin to arise, along with a radical passionate apostolic army of lovers of God. The Headstone generation will be brought forth in travail to serve the purposes of the King, to complete His campaign for the restoration of all things to His original intention!  God has blessed this Ministry with a body of revelatory teaching specific to these ‘times,’ and tailored to the finishing and completing work of His Body and His House as determined in the Headstone. Consider hosting one of our Seminars in your City or explore our online courses at

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HWAM is open to Pastors, Leaders of Ministries, Marketplace Leaders, frontline Intercessors, prophetic voices, any passionate soul serving the Lord, or one who would like to serve in some capacity.

HWAM is a Network of Lion-hearted women, sold out to the Kingdom of God and serving the Lord on the front lines of the battle for the Faith.  The synergy of such an army of women creates the explosive thrust needed to launch women into the various initiatives ordained by God. We are a Network providing cutting edge strategic coaching and mentoring to equip women with the tools necessary to take their ministry to the next level, where women are fully released in their vision and mandate.  We are a gathering of women pursuing the heart and will of God—an organic meeting of women whose one desire is to serve the King and to seek His Glory

HWAM is a secure and safe place where together we can pool our resources to advance the Kingdom of God, while providing opportunities for others to come on board or alongside in supporting ways. 

HWAM members will receive dynamic, motivational support, through the anointed, prophetic Ministry of Faith Marie Baczko.

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