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Added a post   to  , EdmontonPolice

One doesn't know how many lives have been saved and how much heartache has been spared with the seizure of three kilograms of cocaine, 1.1 kilograms of fentanyl and 2,500 fentanyl pills by Edmonton police. Great work!


Added a post   to  , EdmontonPolice

In May Councillor Micahel Janz requested details related to the Edmonton Police Service (EPS) on communications, public relations, government relations, lobbyists and campaigns.  EPC chairman John McDougall noted there are 19 full-time employees and EPS spokeswoman Cheryl Sheppard said said corporate communications has an annual budget of about $2,746,619.

, communcationsbudget

University of Alberta criminology professor Temitope Oriola does not believe that an organization of the size of the EPS requires 19 persons employed full-time to manage their communications.

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