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Truth runs deep in its flow, and is complex in its structure; but it is by no means complicated. Many would excuse themselves for not getting too deeply involved in Truth by saying, "Well, it is just too deep for me..." And so they just leave it alone. But neither knowledge nor intelligence are prerequisites for an appreciation of the deeper things of God. 

Human wisdom and understanding, far from being a prerequisite to a true knowledge of God, can be very detrimental to us if that longing after Himself is not there. Jesus said on one occasion, "I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes: even so, Father; for so it seemed good in thy sight" (Lk. 10:21). Unlike an animal we have a spirit fashioned after God's image, which is capable of God-consciousness and divine fellowship. And though this image was defaced by the Fall, it has been restored in Redemption; and we may grow into it as we choose the pathway of obedience unto the will of God. As we simply walk in this pathway, that longing and yearning after God will increase, and there will be an ever-increasing unfolding of His will, and an ever-expanding revelation of His glory.

Some would seek to deny us this greater revelation by reminding us that God never changes, that Jesus Christ is forever the same, and therefore we ought not to seek after an unfolding revelation. But this argument overlooks the fact that WE are the ones who need to be changed, not God; and if we truly seek to do His will there will grow within us a cry and a yearning to be changed--even "from glory unto glory" by the Spirit of the Lord. This is what we mean by unfolding revelation. 

God has revealed Himself in the scriptures as One Who is looking for a "home" in which He might dwell. After reading and meditating upon the thoughts brought out in this writing I trust we will understand more clearly why God needs a home. In the scriptures we find Him moving with His people from one resting place to another as He progressively reveals His purposes and seeks to bring into being the ideal "home" that He has been waiting for. This progressive revelation of Himself must continue until the eternal purpose is fully consummated in a people whom He has created for His own glory.

Excerpts from FROM TENT TO TEMPLE 

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