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There is an old maxim "to be forewarned is to be forearmed" that I believe is relevant to the North Saskatchewan river. The basic meaning of the maxim is those who know that there may be something ahead to be concerned about are better prepared to face it than those who do not know. I've rafted, canoed and swam in the river. I've enjoyed its the scenic backdrop as I calmly floated down the river and I've experienced the adrenaline rush as we entered the rapids between Nordegg and Rocky Mountain House.

Добавил публикация   в  , NorthSaskatchewanRiver

When the warm weather arrives water seems to convey a magnetic attraction and people head for the lake and/or the river. When I was younger a group of us canoed down the North Saskatchewan from close to the headwaters to Rocky Mountain House a number times so I know how it beckons one to enter in. It may seem placid and peaceful but there's a huge amount of water flowing between the banks and whether one ventures in with or without a floatation device the river needs to be treated with respect and caution.

Enjoy your summer and the river safely.image_transcoder.php?o=bx_froala_image&h=1378&dpx=1&t=1685648447

Добавил публикация   в  , NorthSaskatchewanRiver

The North Saskatchewan river is placid and peaceful on its journey through Edmonton and now people can join a river tour every Wednesday - Sunday in August. It would be a great way to spend approximately 2.5 hours and see the city from another perspective.

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Добавил публикация   в  , NorthSaskatchewanRiver

Whether in a canoe, kayak, water craft  or power boat a trip down the North Saskatchewan river is an awesome way to spend a day or afternoon. Unfortunately water levels are the lowest they've been in about 50 years so running aground is a real possibility and can be a rude wakening. Moterized craft are being warned to stay of the river until water levels rise, probably in July.

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