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Yesterday was an historic day in Alberta - and no, I'm not just referring to the first playoffs Battle of Alberta in 31 years!

A change in Premier is always an important moment for a province, and a large number of people have contacted me asking what this means for the Alberta Institute.

But, as you've probably heard me say over and over again, the Alberta Institute is a non-partisan organization and, unlike many groups on the left, we really mean it.

As a non-partisan organization, our job is not to support or oppose any party, elected official, or candidate.

Rather, our job is to develop, promote, and advocate for the absolute best public policies we can think of to advance the cause and interests of Alberta and Albertans.

Let me be clear, though - non-partisan is not the same as unprincipled.

My team and I all believe, passionately, in the ideas and principles of individual freedom, personal choice, free markets, competition, limited government, lower taxes, the rule of law, free speech, freedom of association, freedom of movement, and all the other vital aspects of a free and open society that Albertans deserve.

We support these ideas not just because they are, objectively, the best way to respect the right of individuals, but also because we know that these ideas work - they are the only proven way to enable and support human flourishing and improve the position of people from all walks of life, all around the world.

So, regardless of what has happened in the political sphere this week, and what will happen in the coming weeks, the Alberta Institute's mission and goals remain the same - to defend, expand, and fight for these ideals.

We will continue to research new ideas for Alberta, across every policy area.

We will continue to promote those ideas to Albertans, through every medium.

We will continue to connect like-minded Albertans with each other, to grow this movement.

And, yes, we will continue to hold every candidate, from every party, accountable for the promises they make, the actions they take, and the manner in which they represent Albertans.

No matter what side of any political debate you fall on, I believe that's something we can all come together and unite around.We all have a lot of work to do in the coming weeks and months.

My email inbox is open, so send me your thoughts!

Let me know what you think about what's happened and what we should do going forward from here.

Finally, if you're in a position to contribute financially to our important work, please consider making a donation here.

The Alberta Institute doesn't accept any government funding and we never will, because we think you should be free to choose, for yourself, which organizations to support.

But that does mean we're reliant on the generosity of our supporters to keep us running, so thank you to everyone for your ongoing support - we greatly appreciate it.


Peter McCaffreyPresidentAlberta Institute

, , -partisan

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