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Farts are a normal part of life. Beside the fact they make laughter and embarrasement, they are a good indicator for a healthy digestive system in your body. a fart is the accumulation of gases and does not always make sound or leave smell.

The average person farts 14 times a day. Most of them will be quiet and contain carbon dioxide. When a fart leaves a strong smell, that's a sign you're getting a healthy amount of fiber, and there are enough good bacteria in your gut.


The smell of a fart comes mostly of hydrogen sulfide. When the different foods you ate are digested, compounds are created (such as hydrogen sulfide) that produce a variety of scents that accompany the gas. Gases with a very bad smell are an excellent indication that everything is working fine in your stomach.

In the past studies showed that smelling bad scent farts by people have health benefits for the smeller. The smell of methane can reduce the risk of various diseases and helps to live longer. One disease, for example is dementia. Hydrogen sulfide changes the way in which enzymes work in the disease. All this, plus the immediate benefits of farting, makes the vulgar action a bit more tolerated.

If your gases smell extremely bad, it's not because you're not healthy. On the contrary, it means that you eat foods that generate large amounts of hydrogen sulfide. This means that you probably eat a menu which consists of many fibers. The only time you need to worry about the bad smell of your own farts it when involved in dairy products. If eating dairy products causes the smell of your own farts to become worse, then you may be suffering from lactose intolerance.

You do need to be aware of the places in which you fart of course, but now you know you have no reason to fear them. If it smells bad, you know you're doing something right. Even if you do not fart frequently and the gases does not smell bad, it does not mean you are unhealthy. This means that you simply need to eat a little more fiber.

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