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The first decision under newly elected mayor Amarjeet Sohi last October was to create an anti-racism strategy. Although that decision was well intentioned indications are that there has been little progress to date. Racism has been a scourge throughout history so for the mayor and council to think a strategy can be developed and iWhat do you think will change racism, a strategy or change of heart? mplemented to end racism is wishful thinking to say the least.


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Last week's article MAYOR UNVEILS MOSAIC TO RAISE ANTISEMITISM AWARENESS was about raising awareness about anti-semitism. Today's EDMONTON JOURNAL has an article (below)  about an assault on a Muslim woman and her daughter. I'm posting the article in order to raise awareness about anti-Muslim attitudes, actions and rhetoric that still exist in our community.

Whether raising awareness of anti-semitism or anti-Muslim or anti-any religious or ethnic group we'd do well to remember what has commonly been referred to as "The Golden Rule", In everything you do, be careful to treat others in the same way you’d want them to treat you, Matthew 7:12

After reading the EDMONTON JOURNAL I watched a video by Jordon Peterson the internationally known and highly regarded Canadian psychologist,that was posted on WOWagora earlier today. In the video Jordon Peterson articulates a deep soul search and acknowledges finding some enemies within himself.

It takes personal fortitude to do such a soul search and real honesty to admit to one's own self, yet alone others what was revealed. The video I referred to is below and I encourage you to watch it in the context of raising awareness about anti-Muslim/semitism or or anti-any religious or ethnic group.

, -muslim, -semitism

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