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By Gary Sigler

Once we have been born again and quickened by the Spirit of God and washed in the Blood of the Lamb, we have a totally new life born in us. The promise is to the new life that is the seed of Christ in us. We have within us another person born in our spirit. This new person must be properly fed and nourished and He will grow to be the overcoming one in us. This is God once again being birthed in humanity. The life in us is not the old carnal life made over. Jesus said, "That which is born of flesh is flesh, and that which is born of spirit is Spirit." Most have never realized that in their spirit is another person. He is Holy, undefiled, and high above the law of sin and death. This one in you is the child of promise, born of the incorruptible seed of the living God. I believe that even as you read these words something is stirring within you, trying to burst forth within your consciousness and bring deliverance from the Adamic nature.

You see, if Christ has not been formed in you, you cannot live the overcoming life. Once Christ begins even in a small way to be formed in you, you cannot help but be an overcomer. You must learn to look within and discover the truth of what it means to be born again. You are a totally different person in your spirit. As you discover this and begin to pray and meditate daily on this new life, the seed of Christ in you will begin to grow and fill your soul with His life. He will flow into your mind and renew it so you think like Christ. He will flow into your will and make it pliable to do His will. He will flow into your emotion so that the pure unadulterated love of God will flow from you.

Until the seed of Christ begins to grow in you, you must learn the power of forgiveness and the power of the Blood of Jesus. We are saved not by what we do, but by what God has done. He has made a promise to the seed of Christ, and you can be assured He will bring it to pass.

When I use the word "salvation" I am using it in the sense of the full meaning of the word, because the word salvation is a total reverse of the Fall. It’s a redemption from poverty, from sickness, and from death.

Many people do not understand what death is. Death, in God’s eyes, is not when your body falls over and gets put into the grave. Death, in God’s eyes when you study Scripture, is simply a separation from God. As long as you are living in a carnal mentality, even though you might have a very good human nature, you can never experience the fullness of God. Adam, our human nature, is a dead man. We are born into a death realm. If we have not been born again and washed in the Blood, we have no life as far as God is concerned. God wants to replace everything that we are with His life and nature.

Because Eve fell for the lie, and they partook of the knowledge of good and evil, it separated them in their consciousness awareness from God. God told Adam, "But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die" (Gen. 2:17). Once man partook of that tree, his spirit was alienated from God. Now man, through the knowledge of good and evil, tries to regain that which he had in the beginning

That story has been repeated for about six thousand years. Every religion in the world is based upon the knowledge of good and evil. 

The truth of the matter is that the moment that you begin to choose good and evil, it separates you in your consciousness from God. We have borne the image of that Adamic man and we again have been caught trying to regain that which was lost in the beginning through the knowledge of good and evil.

The truth of the matter is that there is nothing that we can do from our carnal nature and from the Adamic consciousness to make ourselves godly. God is not interested in taking the carnal, fallen, human nature and making it godly. Out of the Adamic consciousness flows a life that is both good and evil. Some are very good, some are very evil, and some are a balance between the two.

God has one desire, one plan, and one purpose for humanity: that the Adamic consciousness would be swallowed up by LIFE. 

In these days God is revealing and unveiling Christ within a people. He is bringing an understanding and a revelation to us that is absolutely causing us to stop all of this performance. God is pulling the rug out from underneath all of the religious activity, to unveil His life within you.

As long as you can make it on your own, as long as you feel that you can be a good person and justified by your performance, you will never know the life of God in its fullness and in His ability to conform every area of your life into what He is.

There are only two men in the Bible, only two, Adam and Christ. All of us are living out from one source or the other. In Adam, all die! There is no way in which you can come into this earth and be born as a human being and not have that taint, the nature that you inherited from Adam.

The very first thing that John said about Jesus was, "Behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world" (John 1:29). The truth is (and it is knowing the truth that will set you free) that upon the Cross of Calvary, God took away and bore the penalty for sin.

He bore the penalty for my disobedience, and if He did that, that’s payment enough. If you don’t ever understand that, you will never be released from your bondage. As long as you feel guilty, as long as you feel unworthy, you will never experience the fullness of God’s love. You can never really appreciate what He’s done for you, because you don’t feel worthy.