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Many times Jesus gave "words" to people. While they appeared to be prophetic (and were) they did not come out of the realm of the Holy Place but of the Holy of Holies. The fruit of either realm may appear similar, but the source is different. One comes out of life/light and the other comes out of death/lesser light.

Years ago as a counselor, I was conversing with a Methodist minister who also did counselling. He asked "What is truth?". His point of reference was that in counseling how do you determine what is correct in a situation with all the factors involved. I responded that it is not "WHAT" but "WHO" is truth. A "what" may be knowledge, a fact, but it is not Wisdom for Wisdom is a "WHO". He could not understand that Jesus Christ is the answer. As we grow in Christ we grow in truth. Truth is light unto our path. Truth is a person. Light is a person. HE WAS THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD. The Scriptures declare.

Light is a person. The fullness of light is Jesus Christ. The fullness of darkness is Adam. Light is spiritual, not natural nor carnal. Genesis 1:3 states "And God said let there be light" in the KJV. But in the Rotherham Bible it states: "LIGHT BE and light was". Light was spoken into existence out of nothing; whereas, darkness is the absence of something. When the adamic nature stops trying to be something and realizes it is nothing, then Light is.

"...that I may walk before God in the light of the living" (Ps.56:13). Light is life. Darkness is death. Darkness, death cannot comprehend light, life. The seeds cannot mix nor can there be fusion of the two. One is. the other is not.

We must understand that the presentation of the LOGOS is the ministry of LIGHT. Jesus was the complete embodiment of God in the flesh. There was no Adam in Him. He did NOT have any part of Mary. Gabriel came to Mary. Gabriel, as a friend of mine states(Stacy Wood), was an "ish" or a man, good research brings this out. This man, Gabriel (meaning valiant/ warrior man and the root means "strong") under divine unction spoke the word (LOGOS) out of his being. In fact, Gabriel is used the first time, I believe, in Exodus 10:11 where the word "men" is used in the phrase: "...go now ye men...". This shows that the word "Gabriel" is a man and not necessarily a wing flapper. The LOGOS united with the LOGOS that was already in Mary. John 3:6 states in the New English Bible:" is spirit that gives birth to spirit." This union of God with God produced the manifestation of Jesus. We have heard people state in meetings that something leaped in them. This is such a union. Once while traveling with another brother a lady stated (and she was not pregnant) that the word felt so strong coming forth that her womb leaped like when she carried a child. The union of the LOGOS with the LOGOS causes a birth to take place. Mary had no part in it. I like to say that Mary was a surrogate mother. It is important to understand that the LOGOS united with the LOGOS. The LOGOS did not unite with Adam, the dust, the earthly, the flesh.

But another way to express it would be that the incorruptible seed was 100% God. It was not 100% man and 100% God. It was all God or He could not be our mediator of a better covenant. The ministry of LIGHT has nothing to do with darkness - which has in it day and night. The Holy Place realm has light and darkness, showing that the darkness is divided into light (day) and darkness (night).

The LOGOS in you bears witness to the Father when the Father speaks to you. This is not a rhema, a part realm word of knowledge, but rather is the very unction of LIGHT and life moving in your being. Wakefield writes in his journals in 1842 the following (courtesy of Mary McClain) " I saw the whole creation before they were brought forth to bodies; I saw the two lights, being God's own body and that light the light of him, being the three persons in one head....". Here we see by his vision (and we are not creating doctrine over a vision) that God, as it were had a body of light and within that body a light which was the essence of Himself. 

We are called to be the light of the world. We are to be bone of His bone and flesh of His flesh. We are to be His light body. The saints are called to be a heavenly creation of light. We are to manifest the very express image of Him. Jesus was light in the flesh. So are we to be in this life. Consider Genesis 1:27 where God states that He makes man in HIS IMAGE. It was a prophetic word to deliver man from the dust of the earth and create a heavenly man - 1 Corinthians 15:47-50, Revelation 14:3. Such a redemption could only come about if there was a Redeemer, one who was not on the same plane, but was better and able to establish a better covenant - Christ Jesus.

The process of making man in His Image is life long and the understanding and revelation of it to the individual comes slowly. God made man in His Image through the process of regeneration - John 3:5 states:"...unless a man is born from water and from spirit..." Phillips Translation. Verse six continues and as the New English Bible states:"... it is spirit that gives birth to spirit." The water some have taught is natural birth and the spirit is a spiritual birth. But close study shows that the water refers to the baptism of the Holy Spirit and that the Spirit used in verse 5 and 6 refers to the fullness. It is LOGOS that gives us LOGOS. A rhema cannot give us life. A rhema word is from a passing order and is not life sustaining! The LOGOS is age-abiding, life sustaining.

Colossians 1:15 states that Jesus was the "very incarnation of God"(20th Century NT) or as Phillips states: "the visible expression of God". Relate this verse with Colossians 3:10b as Weymouth says "which is being remolded into full knowledge so as to become like Him who created it." The LOGOS is a creative force, the very essence of God Himself establishing Himself within the vessel. He brings life out of death, light out of darkness, love out of hate. The finished product is the revelation of Him in the vessel.

God uses men. He does not use spirits! His Spirit impregnates people. But the heavenly people become His means of expression. Jesus came from heaven the scripture declares, it does not say He came from the earth. These heavenly people therefore are light bodies, life bodies who reveal the love of God. They manifest the very essence of Him to the others by showing that they are not of the world, but of heaven. The LOGOS establishes the heavens in a person. Then God can move through a person because the two have become one, in union, in marriage. Such is the marriage supper of the Lamb.

Thus, in Colossians 1:15 we have an image which corresponds to that of Romans 8:29 which states we are to be "conformed to His image". The word "conformed" used here is only used twice in the New Testament. The other location is Philippians 3:21. His glorious body that we are being conformed to is the LOGOS. It is able to express itself in any form - ie in Adam, or in Christ or in Spirit. For the LOGOS is not tied to the natural order but rather is a spiritual body.

Before the creation was, John 1:1-3, the LOGOS was. During this time of creation the LOGOS is manifested as the man Jesus. The LOGOS is being manifested in the sons of God. Consider Hebrews 10:1 which states "For the law having a shadow of good things to come, and NOT THE IMAGE of the things....". This reveals that the law did not have life. It was of the lower order. But "the image of things" is Christ Jesus. We are His expression in this world. Hebrews 1:3 states that Jesus was the EXPRESS IMAGE of the Father. The Greek is the English word from which we receive the word "character". Jesus was the revelation of the character, the nature of God - loving peace, eschewing evil, etc. 

We are to come into that same express image. The LOGOS has nothing to do with SKIN!!!! The LOGOS has to do with the nature of the person. Jesus was the manifestation of God in the earth because He was of the character of God. The Greek word even goes into deeper depth of pregnant thought with the concept that uses the word "grapho". This means a hand written copy, or in other words, directly from the source of inspiration. As an example a letter written by you to another is a "handwritten copy", an original.

"Arise, shine for your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. For behold the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people; but the Lord will arise over you, and His glory will be seen upon you."(Isaiah 60:1-2). The LOGOS is the light of life. People were attracted to Jesus not because of some halo or aurora, but because the light of the life of God was in Him. The LOGOS attracts because it emits life giving rays to all that encounter it. People were able to recognize Him because of His nature. The same is true upon those who have "arisen" and sat down in heavenly places with Him. For if we arise in Christ, we dwell, live, have our being in the resurrection. The resurrection is life and has no part of death.

Come let us walk together unto the Mount of the Lord. Let the saviors arise and bring deliverance (Obadiah 21). It is He, the LOGOS, who has moved in our being and united with Himself. It is His creation, the new creation man, that is coming forth, being birthed out of the woman.

The woman nature, that adamic flesh, that carnal desire, has no part of that which is coming forth out of the desert of the flesh. For this is the beloved in union with His bride being manifest in the land. The new creation man is arising, proclaiming: "Come ye to the waters and drink you who are thirsty, you who have no money, come buy wine and milk." For those who are in union with Him, manifest the LOGOS completely, giving wine and milk. Wine is life (masculine) and milk is life (feminine). They are the beloved's and He is theirs, unity of the same nature, nothing of Adam. 

This was an excerpt from THE LOGOS, THE LIGHT, THE LIFE which unfortunately is no longer available.