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Yesterday, the Alberta Institute was very pleased to be involved in helping to launch a brand new grassroots school choice organization in Alberta.

We were very pleased to do so because education is one of the most important policy areas of responsibility of a provincial government.

The Alberta Parents’ Union is a new organization of Alberta parents advocating for the best possible education for all Alberta students - whether that be public, separate, francophone, alternative, charter, independent, or home education.

It's an organization made up of parents from all across the province, working to ensure that every student in Alberta has the opportunity to access a broad array of choice in education.

Here at the Alberta Institute, we will, of course, continue to do a wide range of research and advocacy activities on many different policy areas - including education - but the launch of a specialist grassroots education choice organization is incredibly important for our movement, which is why we're so pleased this is happening.

If you'd like to help defend the choice Alberta students currently have, expand the choice future students will have, and be part of a movement providing a positive alternative voice to the constant negative attacks by the teachers' unions, I encourage you to join the Alberta Parents' Union.

You can learn more about the organization here.

And, if you're on board, you can join right now here.

Living in Alberta, we are lucky enough to have some of the best education choices in the world, but we can't afford to take that choice for granted, and we can always work to do better.

Anyone working on that mission has our support, and I encourage you to give them yours too!


Peter McCaffreyPresidentAlberta Institute

, # AlbertaParents’Union,