Changing the world by building strong local communities!
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The "internet or web" as we know it is relatively young but has    grown immensely both in popularity and technically since the 1990s.    Although its only been about 30 years since the general public    became aware and began surfing the "internet or web" it has gone    through three distinct phases which I'll attempt to briefly explain.Phase 1 is referred to as Web 1.0 and during this phase the "internet or web" became known as the "information highway" because of the wealth of information that became available at the click of a mouse. Web 1.0 was one way, where some provided content for others to consume.In phase Web 2.0 interaction was added to information.With the introduction and rise of email, social networking, cell phones, instant messaging, reviews, comments, etc. Web 2.0 out grew Web one way and the "internet or web" became a multi lane, multi device and multi directional communications thoroughfare.We are in the early days of phase Web 3.0 which plans to add artificial intelligence (AI) to information and interaction enabling people to immerse themselves in a virtual metaverse for work and play.In its brief history the "internet or web" phases have moved us from one way information consumers to multi level interactors and communicators to metaverse personna and explorers. Its been quite a journey that has affected everyone everywhere in some way, and not all for the better.A number of studies have been done, reports and books written about the downsides of the "internet or web". One downside that has garnered much attention is that with the increase of virtual interaction among people on the "internet or web" there has been a corresponding loss of face-to-face personal interactions amongst people. Its sad but true that more time people spend in virtual interactions online the less time they have for meeting people face to face.Amongst the most telling and saddest comments that confirms the loss of personal interactions is "I don't know or hardly know my neighbours".Members of WOWagora are encouraged to use the tools and/or resources to introduce themselves to, meet and get engaged with others in their neighbourhoods and communities who share common interests, causes and concerns. Equally as good would be if members of WOWagora would use the tools and/or resources to introduce themselves to, meet and get engaged with others who have differing or opposing opinions and thoughts regarding the interests, causes and concerns their neighbourhoods and communities. Much can be accomplished and overcome when people who genuinely desire to address a concern, issue or problem meet face to face even if they initially disagree with one another.Initiating and bringing change to, bettering a neighbourhood and community takes concerned and motivated people who commit themselves to hands on, feet on the ground involvement as change agents. Meaningful and lasting change, betterment and improvement in a neighbourhood and /or community most always begins at the grassroots level and spreads from there.Active, strong and vibrant neighbourhoods and communities don't just happen. They come about as people get to know one and relate to one another, when they work, play, celebrate and share the highs and lows of life together.

A fitting end to this post is James Taylor's song GETTING TO KNOW YOU from musical and movie THE KING & I. 

P.S..We look forward to getting to know YOU!


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