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Videos have become a mainstay of peoples' internet experience and there are millions of of videos available online on most any subject imaginable. Videos are effective, powerful and versatile and are used to entertain, demonstrate, inform, instruct, interviews, guide, comment, review, recruit and more.

On January 11, 2022 I posted an article by Jordan Peterson entitled Open the damn country back up, before Canadians wreck something we can’t fix. I posted the Jordan Peterson article/transcript because I thought he articulated what many people are thinking. What I didn't know until yesterday was that the article was the transcript of the video message below that Jordan Peterson recorded and posted online.

I mention this because the comparison between the textual article/transcript and the video illustrate just how effective and powerful video is. The article/transcript contains the same content as was shared on the video below but the textual version lacks the personality, emotion, emphasis, force, oomph that is evident in Jordan Peterson's video.

After watching the video I'm even more convinced that Jordan Peterson voiced what countless Canadians Are silently thinking.

Watching Jordan Peterson's video reminded me of another powerful video snippet from the 1976 movie NETWORK.

There are number of excellent sites where you can get a video link to post a video on WOWagora. Post the video, add some comments or a poll pertaining to the video and you've enhanced the content.

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