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(John 14:26)  But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.  Just this one verse of scripture should be the beginning of one’s growth in wisdom and understanding. If the Holy Spirit is to teach ALL things, then how much is left over for you to understand by yourself just because you have been to school and can read? The answer, if you are honest, is ‘nothing’. The  ‘present truth’ (I Peter 1:12-13) coming forth today is so different to the teaching and traditions of  the fundamental Churches that unless you are teachable by the Spirit, your first reaction could be to reject it. Most Christians have been brainwashed from infancy. Each new truth down through history was  ‘present truth’ to them at the time it came forth and caused the hearing ones to separate themselves from the ‘Church system’ of their day. This resulted many times in a ‘wall’ being put up between believers. This is seen in history which so often repeats itself in our day. You may recall how the Roman Catholics attacked the Lutherans who had received a revelation from God new and different . . . then the Anna-Baptists were attacked by the Lutherans for their progressive stand . . . right on down to this present day. Adherents to certain specific beliefs and doctrines feel they are threatened by new insights and up goes a defensive ‘wall’ and “never the twain shall  meet!”

Letting the Spirit  teach is being ready to hear and willing to receive something that is new and different from what you have already learned. There is a trust needed so that you know that Christ will not give you a stone if you have asked for bread! The Bereans of old did not move in fear and so they did not straightaway reject something that was  new to them . . . they heard it and then went and searched the scriptures to see if what they had heard was right on! They did this daily too . . . the Spirit could trust new things with them for He would be the One who would confirm or cancel what they had heard.       When the Holy Spirit teaches or bears witness, it is by revelation which has its source, not from reasoning, but from outside of natural thinking. Remember that the office or work of a spirit is to create thought! The eyes of one’s understanding are being opened little by little if you are ‘hungry’ for more!. The people of Israel of old knew God’s acts but Moses knew His ways as well. The mind of Christ is in us but needs to be released so that our own thinking can be changed into His thinking . . . because  as a man thinks in his heart, so is he (Proverbs 23:7). 


Jesus only taught using parables  (Mat 13:34)   All these things spake Jesus unto the multitude in parables;  and without a parable spake he not unto them:   (35)  That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, saying, I will open my mouth in parables; I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world. A parable is  a natural account which carries within itself the truth that God desires to unveil and teach us. Thus  scriptural historical accounts are now to us parables!  We cannot grasp all the wonderful purposes of our supernatural God with our natural thinking and inbuilt knowledge of good and evil! If you are not teachable, then the desire for change, growth in the Lord and progress in your life is not present. Just studying ... studying ... studying the Word, will not produce an iota of lasting change unless the Spirit-Teacher is turning the ‘letter-word’ into His Life in you. If you are not teachable, you will defend your present understanding arguing with verses that you have been taught! On the other hand a teachable spirit will always be on the lookout for new tidbits of life stemming from the unveiling of God’s word. How many conversations do you have which are centered around what the Lord is doing and revealing to His people today.


No one can say that Jesus is Lord except by the Spirit. Does the Lord  really own you? Is He in control of all your life?  With the baptism in the Holy Spirit comes a release of words and thoughts that originate in Christ, the Living Word. The Holy Spirit-Teacher is thus released so that He can more readily accomplish His changing work in you . . .   changing you from glory to glory into His image. You may recall that this was God’s original plan in Genesis 1:26-27 . . . and God does not change nor does He need to revise His plan. The teachable believers will progressively receive all that God has for them — remembering that Jesus Christ died to freely provide such. God, by being the  indwelling Teacher-Spirit, will  bring confirmations and encouragements as well as corrections when needed!


Bible studies ... bible studies ... Knowing the content of the scriptures well does not mean one has revelation of what God is speaking with those written words! 2 Timothy 3:7 says Ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth’. However, a good knowledge  of the bible is a solid foundation for the Holy Spirit to build on. We are told ‘All scripture is profitable’, so that does not leave any parts that is not so.

Paul’s testimony in Galations 1:12  For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ.  The Greek word translated ‘revelation’ is APOKALUPSIS which simply means ‘take the lid off and see what is inside’. The ‘lid’ being the ‘letter-word’ and what is inside is the ‘spirit-word’ containing life.

We all need the teaching of the Holy Spirit so that we can progressively know that all scripture (not just our favourite passages!) is profitable. Education must never push revelation into second place as you seek the Lord and His purposes. Does this mean we quit receiving from the teaching ministries that God has given to the Church? No! It means that the Holy Spirit will get through to you by anointing certain teachers and you will know the difference because you will receive ‘life’ and not just more ‘knowledge’.


You will know if you are truly teachable or not in how you listen to others sharing — about the Lord Himself and about His Word. When you hear such sharing, do you ‘prick up’ your ears so that you do not miss anything? You can experience the ‘witness of the Spirit’ within your own being. If you desire to be changed from within by the Spirit, then you will hunger and thirst after righteousness which is the Christ-life in action. I used to be ‘quick on the draw’ (western cowboy scene) and ‘fire’ scriptural letter-word bullets at something that was new and strange to me . . . perhaps because your ‘comfort zone’ is being disturbed! Proverbs 18:13  He that answers a matter before he hears it (fully), it is folly and shame unto him. As you are taught of the Lord, your prayers will probably include, “Lord, show me” and “Lord lead me” and “Lord change me” . . . for your desire is to please Him and walk in the Spirit thus avoiding the pitfalls of the carnal natural mindset.                         


If you ‘put up a wall’ when some one is sharing a new thought, you may be rejecting an unveiling of present truth (I Peter 1:12-13). The revelation of truth is always ongoing . . . Wisdom builds her house but by understanding it is established (Proverbs 24:3). Responses are dependent upon where one is ‘at’ in the maturing process of the Lord. A child will never develop unless he seeks answers to his questions . . . there is an inbuilt desire to ‘know’ the what and why’s of life so that the individual can grow up into Him (Christ) who is the Head (Ephesians 4:15). There is a parallel theme to being increased in truth and that is in experiencing the life of Christ in reality each day for He is the Truth. 


A ‘believing believer’ will meditate in the word and allow the Spirit to bring forth new thoughts of insight into seeing His ways and knowing Him better. The two-edged sword will also tend to cut away aspects of one’s old Adamic life that need changing. These maturing ones will respond to the Spirit, “Yes, Lord”  rather than “Yes, but...”

Each believer has received Christ-Jesus for their all-important initial salvation. However, many have refused to be taught any more about the baptism in the holy Spirit and going on to perfection (of the kingdom of God) pictured for you in  the promised land. The Lord is well able to speak into the hearts of hungry wherever they are. No good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly. Remember He is your Father and is 100% for you and not against you; thus He cares for each of us. Being led of the Spirit produces mature sons (Romans 8:14) where the Greek for ‘sons’ is HUIOS which means ‘mature sons’)  These ones can discern not only good and evil,  but between spirit and spirit. . . and can  receive  the hidden manna as well as the bread of life.

God desires that each one of you comes to the full knowledge and stature of Christ. This will unveil the transfiguration where the inner Christ in your life will come forth and swallow up all the residue of the natural man. In Matthew 17, after six days (6000 years according to (2 Peter 3:8) . . . Jesus took Peter, James and John up this very high mountain where they witnessed the transfiguration. Moses and Elijah appeared to the four. When this ‘adoption echo’ was over, there remained just Jesus for you will have a full relationship with Him, Christ Jesus, the LIVING WORD. Progress of growth will bring change. Are you ready to receive all that the Lord has for you? Open thou mine eyes that I may behold wondrous things out of Thy Word.  You will be changed from glory to glory into the image of His son, by the Spirit (2 Cor.3:17-18). Expect some changes on a regular basis!  God bless you.§

, RayKnight

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