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  • The Legislature will be sitting this week, starting on Monday with afternoon and evening sittings. This will be followed by Tuesday and Wednesday sittings in the morning, afternoon, and evening. Thursday will consist of morning and afternoon sittings. On Monday, debate will begin with Bill 16, the Insurance Amendment Act, 2022, and Bill 19, the Condominium Property Amendment Act, 2022.
  • It will be a quiet week for committees with only two meetings, both on Tuesday. From 8:00 am to 10:00 am, the Standing Committee on Public Accounts will meet to discuss the Ministry of Indigenous Relations Annual Report 2021-2022. >From 6:00 pm to 7:15 pm, the Standing Committee on Alberta’s Economic Future will meet to continue discussions about the Lobbyists Act Review.
  • The Select Special Committee to Examine Safe Supply will not be publishing their report this week as originally promised. According to the government, the Committee heard more than 15 hours of testimony and requires an extension to develop recommendations. The report will now be published at the end of June.


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