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  • This week marks the final event on our Can't Stop Alberta Tour. After 23 amazing events, we’re headed to Edmonton on Wednesday. We’ll be discussing the Alberta Pension Plan, K-12 education, Alberta’s relationship with Ottawa, municipal politics, and more. Attendance is free, but if you’re so inclined, you can make a donation to help cover our venue hire costs and our travel expenses. Thanks to each and every one of you who came out to one of our stops. We were fortunate enough to meet people from Lethbridge to Fort McMurray, Lloydminster to Grande Prairie, and everywhere in between. If we didn’t come to your city, don't worry, we’re planning another tour soon!
  • The Legislature will resume this afternoon with the Throne Speech at 3:00 pm. It can be watched live online. There will be afternoon sittings of the Legislative Assembly on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
  • Alberta is collaborating with software company AltaML to develop artificial intelligence (AI) technology aimed at predicting wildfire locations. This AI-based prediction tool utilizes decades of fire data and weather forecasting to help allocate resources for firefighting efforts more accurately. The goal is to provide pinpoint locations of potential fires, optimize resource placement, and potentially save $2 million to $5 million annually.

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