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  • On Tuesday, at 8:30 am, there will be an Agenda Review Committee meeting followed by a Community and Public Services Committee meeting at 9:30 am. At the latter meeting, the Committee will discuss unfinished business from an August meeting - extending the City’s childminding agreement with the YMCA. The Committee will also look at increasing the 2023 operating expenditure budget by $3,946,000 on a one-time basis to fund Community Safety and Well-being and Family and Community Support Services Grants, as well as increasing the budget by $500,000 on an ongoing basis to fund an increase to the Indigenous Operating Grant.
  • On Wednesday, at 9:30 am, there will be an Urban Planning Committee meeting. On the agenda is a report outlining several transit issues facing youth - the report notes that youth using transit were concerned about transit uncleanliness, feeling unsafe at nighttime, a lack of security, and encountering drug users. The Committee will also discuss another transit-related issue - winter mobility and accessibility of pathways to transit stops.
  • The Executive Committee will meet on Friday at 9:30 am. There are a number of public reports on the agenda, including one regarding the EPCOR Contract Extension for 24-hour monitoring of LRT electrical systems, and another regarding Employee Psychological Health and Safety Programs and Practices. The Committee will also consider whether children under 12 should be able to ride transit for free without a fare paying adult, and consider a proposal to acquire the River Point Homeowners Association (HOA). The HOA has approached the City to acquire their land and assets due to concerns of increasing repair and maintenance costs.


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