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  • Alberta Health Services is adding more appointments for medical tests to reduce wait times. About 7,500 weekly appointments will be added in Calgary through a combination of staff recruitment and expanding lab services to six days a week.
  • The Province will continue with a Recovery Oriented Model of Care to help those battling addiction issues. Premier Danielle Smith issued a mandate letter to her Minister of Mental Health and Addiction, Dan Williams, directing him to act as quickly as possible. Highlights of the letter include expanding resiliency education in schools, developing compassionate intervention legislation, setting up at least 11 new recovery communities, and developing at least five new mental wellness centres.
  • Alberta is suspending approvals for large renewable energy projects, citing environmental and rural concerns. There will be a six-month moratorium on wind and solar power projects greater than one megawatt while the Alberta Utilities Commission undertakes a review of the role of municipal governments in land selection for project development. 

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