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  • Today, at 9:30 am, there will be a meeting of the Audit Committee. On the agenda are several public reports, including a Cyber Security Program Audit and a Grant and Subsidies Audit. The latter report noted that, while Edmonton has good governing documents aligning with best practices, program areas did not always follow these documents in awarding grants or subsidies. There were also some instances where the City did not properly justify why certain grant recipients were chosen. Also today, at 3:00 pm, there will be a meeting of the City Manager and City Auditor Performance Evaluation Committee. On the agenda is a verbal report from a consultant that will be discussed in-camera (in secret).
  • On Tuesday, at 9:30 am, there will be a Utility Committee meeting. The Committee will discuss approving $55 million in funding for the Blatchford Renewable Energy project in order to access additional matching funding from the federal government.
  • On Wednesday, the Council Services Committee will meet at 9:30 am to discuss the roles and responsibilities of Council Advisors for the City’s nine Advisory Committees, which include the Accessibility Advisory Committee, the City of Edmonton Youth Council, and the Edmonton Historical Board, among others. Following this, at 1:30 pm there will be a non-regular meeting of City Council to discuss an Intergovernmental Update. 

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