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  • Today, at 9:30 am, there will be a City Council meeting. On the agenda are Capital and Operating Financial Updates, as well as the Edmonton Business Improvement Areas 2023 Budgets. Council will also discuss designating St. Luke's Anglican Church as a Municipal Historic Resource.
  • On Tuesday, at 9:30 am, there is an Audit Committee meeting. The Committee will discuss the City Governance of Fort Edmonton Park audit, the Enforcement Services Management and Support audit, and the Office of the City Auditor’s 2023 Annual Work Plan, among other items. Later in the day, at 1:30 pm, there will be a Public Hearing regarding multiple zoning and land use amendments.
  • Budget deliberations continue this week with meetings of City Council on Wednesday at 9:30 am and Friday at 9:30 am. Specific agendas for each day are not yet available. Discussions are expected to continue until December 16th. 

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