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  • The Legislature continues to sit this week, including afternoon and evening sittings on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, and an afternoon sitting on Thursday. During this week's sitting, Second Reading will continue for Bill 1 - the Alberta Sovereignty within a United Canada Act (more on that below). On the opposition side, Marie Renaud, MLA for St. Albert, will propose a motion to investigate the recent increases in grocery prices.
  • The Select Special Ombudsman and Public Interest Commissioner Search Committee meets today at 11:00 am. No agenda is available for this meeting, but we're guessing they'll be talking about searching for a Public Interest Commissioner.
  • The Standing Committee on Public Accounts meets on Tuesday at 8:00 am. The Committee will receive several reports from the Auditor General of Alberta, as well as the Advanced Education Annual Report for 2021-22, and a Research Services’ Briefing. 

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