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  • We don't usually ask for a favour in these emails, but right now, we're running our Black Friday / Giving Tuesday fundraiser, and if we can raise $25,000 by the end of the month, a very generous donor has offered to double every single donation. So, if you like the research and advocacy work we do, and the information we bring you, and would like to make a donation to support the cause of freedom, now is the perfect time! Info on how to donate online, or by cheque is available here.
  • The Legislature is back, and there will be a new Speech from the Throne tomorrow at 3:00 pm to open the session and outline the government’s direction. Premier Danielle Smith has indicated that her priorities will include affordability, reforming Alberta Health Services, and standing up to Ottawa.
  • Committee meetings also return this week. The Select Special Ombudsman and Public Interest Commissioner Search Committee meets at 8:30 am on Thursday. On Friday, the Standing Committee of Legislative Offices will meet at 8:45 am. At the latter meeting, various Legislative Offices will give presentations in consideration of the 2023-2024 Budget Estimates. 

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