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(Hebrews 1:1)  God who at sundry times and in divers manners spoke in time past unto the fathers by the prophets,

Vs 1 “God at sundry times, or literally at different times and in different ways, spoke in times past to the fathers of Israel. Who are the fathers of Israel? The leaders...Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, not just to them but other men in different times. Not by, but through the prophets. These were the leaders, but yet he had prophets that came and spoke to them. Everyone thinks that just the leadership is going to have it. No, I can show you in Samuel that Eli was the high priest and God sent another prophet to prophesy to him what he already knew was going to come, because he was a wicked priest. And God will send others to prophesy into your life. And for someone to just come into your life and say, 'Thus saith the Lord' is not what I am speaking of. 

Jesus was the prophet; he was a Priest and a King. In the Old Testament this is what Hebrews shows you again. There was an Old Testament Prophet and they would say, 'Thus saith the Lord' and spoke judgment and things like that; and spoke fear upon people. But in the New Testament Jesus is a prophet. Now tell me how he did it? Did he go around threatening anyone? He just spoke one thing, what he heard his Father say. All he did was speak the word of God. So a prophet under the New Covenant is not someone who comes foretelling and trying to tell the future, they are just going to tell you the truth. Do you understand that?  It's going to be someone telling you the truth. It doesn't have to be someone saying, 'thus saith the Lord'. All they have to do is speak truth. So if Christ is in each one of you, which one of you can be a prophet? All. Every one of you.  You have the ability to speak the word of God, the spirit of God, out of you because it's in you. It is in YOU. It is not something you have to work up to to where you can finally get to a place that you can do it. 

I have heard God speak out of all kinds of people. I have heard Him through all kinds of voices, and that is what He is trying to tell us. He said in times past, that is what He did. Just through those, “quote” prophets.  But look at verse two. "But in these final days or last days he spoke unto us, not by, but through his Son, who he has appointed heir of all"; the word 'things' shouldn't be there it is an added word.  He has been appointed heir of all.' Who would that leave out?  No one, nothing, or anything.  "Through whom he also made the worlds" literally the word is 'aion' or 'the ages'. He made all the ages. Who did He make it through? Who was his son? I am, you are. The SON, it's not one person; it's a corporate son.

 Later as we look into this chapter we will go back and see that He speaks about the very beginning. It's about from the very beginning, this son that was created.  That is what is being revealed. IF we can't see that we were sons of God from the very beginning; if we can't look through this thing called time and look back into the reality of truth and see that “yes”, we were with Him in the beginning. Does the book say that we were with God in the beginning?  Yes.  Well then we have to see that. (Not intellectually.)  We’ve got to see that yes, I stood with Him. That doesn't make me any better than anyone else.  I just have to know that I was there. And if I was there, guess what I’ve got? The same thing that Christ has.  Moses just had God pass by and look at his backside and he glowed so much that he had to put a veil on. I haven't seen anyone putting a veil on in here, have you? Maybe we need to see a little clearer do you think?  We need to have a better revelation of God.  We need to have a better vision of the Son of God and who He is. If we don't see who He is, we can't be who He is. Are we not supposed to be just like Him? If I can't see what He looks like, then how can I possibly be like Him? I have to have a revelation of who Christ is, and I can't see Him out there. I have to have the revelation in me. I have got to see the revelation of Christ in me.