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by Des Walter

In order for us to be become aware of the spiritual world in which God dwells we must discover two spiritual senses that God has put in man. The first one is INTUITION and the other is WORSHIP. Using these two spiritual qualities of consciousness we are able to become aware of things that cannot be known with the natural senses. Intuition is a “Knowing” that has little to do with the five natural senses. Intuition is an immediate and instinctive perception of a Truth, and a direct understanding without reasoning. It is a knowledge that does not come by way of our natural mind, but is a spiritual faculty. John the Apostle says, “You have an anointing and you know all things and you do not need anyone to teach you, for the Christ who is the anointing dwelling in you will teach you everything you need to know.” (1John 2:20;27). This is the only faculty of consciousness that can provide us with access to spiritual knowledge.

First of all, God is spirit and therefore is invisible, so our five natural senses cannot bring any awareness of the presence of God within us. Most Christians in the world have never “Seen” God at all, but most would declare that they KNOW GOD. However, their knowing can only function through the consciousness provided by their five natural senses that have no capacity to access the realm of spirit. The function of true consciousness that allows us to hear God’s voice, and to “See” into the invisible realm of spirit, is missing in the whole world today, and is robbing mankind of the Life of God made freely available to all. The natural sense of hearing cannot give us access to God’s voice for it is not external to us, nor is it in the Audio frequency but it is the voice of spirit. This requires a special receptor that is a part of our true consciousness linked to the Christ in us.

By refusing to walk in obedience to the inner voice of the spirit, Israel suffered from spiritual blindness and deafness, and the same applies to us today. The eyes and ears of the INNER MAN still have the capacity to see, and to hear the voice of God, but only when we are prepared to be obedient to what he says. If there is no desire to respond to the Lord then it will be according to the words of the prophet, as it is written, “God hath given them the spirit of slumber, eyes that they should not see, and ears that they should not hear unto this day.”  This represents the condition of so many of God’s people today. 

The result is that their natural mind has been deceived into believing the words of men, and so the TRUTH has been lost to them. Truth is not a doctrine but is a person, and that person IS CHRIST who dwells in every man, but remains inoperative until activated by our obedience. The Father is drawing a people unto himself in this our day, and to those who will respond to that inner voice light and understanding is given. When suddenly the voice is heard the inner man (Christ) is activated and the darkness of our ignorance and unbelief is shattered and a new life begins.