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Dear City Intercessor,Have you been feeling fearful? This week I felt impressed to pray for YOU. For the army of intercessors and God’s people along with our leaders who continue to stand fast.I felt it was urgent to remind you of who you are.

image_transcoder.php?o=bx_froala_image&h=1680&dpx=1&t=1697631889As you read this, remember who you are and WHOSE you are. Fear may come knocking on your door, but don’t open it. Sometimes we are the ones that let fear in.I recently had someone try to break in to the camper where I was staying. I woke up just before they tried the door. It was certainly a moment where fear tried to enter. I had to choose not to open that door literally or figuratively. (To read the entire story click here.) It was a moment that I believe speaks to what we are all facing and what we must do as fear tries to rule the day.In order to take back our cities and our nation, we are to pray with authority. For some this is a refresher course of what you already know, for others, this is instruction on how to move forward.We pray with authority by praying the Word of God. It has authority and so as we pray it our prayers have authority. But we also walk in authority because we know WHOSE we are. We are not like the sons of Sceva (Acts 19:11-20). Although they recognized the power of prayer and the power resident in those who walked with God, they didn’t possess it. However, we walk with Him and His power flows through us. We need not fear.This is important because the Enemy has tried to make many fearful. He has tried to say, “just don’t get involved and they won’t come after you.” That is a lie. The battle is already on each of our doorsteps. We cannot ignore it. Irish statesman, Edmund Burke said it best, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil, is for good men to do nothing.”Satan has tried to make us back down, cower and do nothing. He wants us to believe he is all-powerful, all-knowing, and far-reaching. He is not. For some he has boldly knocked on the door of your home, causing you to fear in areas where you used to feel safe. As the globalists continue to work to create famine, electrical blackouts and chaos, we must recognize that first, they are projecting what they are about to do which means we need to prepare. Two, they are not in control, God is. If we live in Him and need to remember He is well able to provide.Remember who you are. Remember WHOSE you are. Remember GOD is the one who is all-powerful.Remember the power He has given us as we stand our ground. Stand fast and tell fear to go. In the New Testament, Timothy was often fearful, but look how God used him despite his human failings. This isn’t about us. It’s about His power working IN us.For the Lord says to you, “‘Do not be afraid of them for I am with you to deliver you,’ declares the Lord. Speak my Word, for I watch over it to perform it. That is my job. Yours is to declare it.”I want to encourage you today intercessory to take courage to see beyond the natural as we pray into His plan and reformation that is also knocking on our door. THAT is a door we need to open.


Father,I have set the Lord continually before me, because He is at my right hand I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and I will rejoice. My flesh will also dwell securely.Thank you, Lord that You deliver us from our enemies and from those who rise up against us. You rescue us from violent men. As they project their intent to unleash violence on our nation in protest of the reversal of Roe v Wade, we see that it is just demonic rage intent on intimidating.WE WILL NOT BE MOVED. We agree with Your Word that the violence of the wicked will drag them away because they refuse to act with justice. Therefore we give You thanks among the nations and we sing praises to Your Name.Those who deny Your Name do not know how to do what is right. They hoard up violence and devastation in the strongholds they have built. Yet their destruction will come upon them by their own hands. Their ways and their deeds have brought these things upon them. But You will save the afflicted, those they have targeted, but those with haughty eyes you will bring low.For by our God we can run through a troop and by our God we can leap over a wall. For Your way is blameless and Your Word is tried and true.We declare and put our hearts in remembrance that You have delivered us from our strong enemy and from those who hated us for although they were too mighty for us, they are not for You. You are a shield to all who take refuge in You. For who is God but the Lord? And who is a rock except our God?Deliver us Lord and deliver those who have stood steadfastly, boldly and courageously for You in our government, in our Supreme Court, in our cities and states, in our schools and communities. We ask that you raise up leaders, filled with Your wisdom and understanding of the times so we can turn this nation back onto the course for which it was originally designed.You are our refuge and strength. Our very present help in time of trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth should change and though the mountains slip into the heart of the sea. Though its waters roar and foam and though the mountains quake. We will not fear.We cease our striving and remember that You are God and You will be exalted among the nations.Thank you Lord for reminding us of who we are and WHOSE we are. We put our trust in You and declare that we walk in Your peace, safety and refuge. We say to fear. YOU MUST GO! You have noright in our heart, mind or home. You cannot trespass on God’s property.Thank you Father that You have brought us forth into a broad, spacious and safe place. You have rescued us because You delighted in us and have rewarded us according to our righteousness. We bless Your Holy name and stand fast in You.Jeremiah 1:8 & 12, Ps 16:8-9, Prov 21: 7, Jeremiah 4: 18, Ps 18:48, Amos 3:10, Ps 18:17 & 27-31, Ps 18:19-20, Ps 46: 1-3 & 10Standing together,Karen Hardin


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