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One afternoon about a year ago I was driving west on Jasper avenue and when I stopped at the corner near the Hotel Macdonald I noted that there weren't any pedestrians crossing or visible anywhere. As I headed west I decided to count how many people I saw from that point to 109 St. Guess how many I counted? None, zero, nada, zilch and I was a amazed, shocked and sad. THere were many cars travelling on Jasper but no people on the streets.

That is when I became aware of how deserted and destitute downtown had become and I questioned how businesses in the area could survive? I'm not the first one who questioned that and am way behind what others are doing in that regards.

Its costly to start fresh of relocate to the downtown core and it was announced yesterday that six grants of $250,000 will be available to entrepreneurs who want to move into the downtown core. If you are one of those or know someone who is contact the Edmonton Downtown Business Association for more information.