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  • On Tuesday, at 8:30 am, there will be a meeting of the Agenda Review Committee, followed by a City Council Public Hearing at 9:30 am. The Public Hearing addresses several minor zoning amendments. Of note is a Bylaw intended to close the traffic lane within 102 Avenue, between 103 and 99 Street, for a period of one year to pilot a pedestrian-friendly corridor. Council wants to utilize Downtown Vibrancy funding for “activation”. Administration does not support the bylaw, for a number of reasons, including surrounding land uses not being conducive to creating a vibrant pedestrian corridor, pedestrian crossing control challenges at intersections, and lack of interest in events and activations.
  • On Wednesday, at 9:30 am, there will be a City Council meeting. On the agenda are discussions about reporting requirements and uses for the Edmonton Screen Media Fund, as well as proposal recommendations for the Anti-Racism Community Safety Fund. On the list of Motions Pending is an item entitled “Multi-Year Dedicated Climate Levy” - there are no details or attachments about this item. Another item without details is a private report entitled “Exploration of Major Event Bid”. If the meeting does not wrap up on Wednesday, additional time is set aside on Friday at 9:30 am.
  • The City Manager and City Auditor Performance Evaluation Committee will meet on Thursday at noon. A verbal “Consultant’s Update” is on the agenda, but the details are private.