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  • This morning, at 9:30 am, there will be a meeting of the Utility Committee. On the agenda is a report regarding the 2023 Water, Wastewater, and Drainage Services Operational Plan, which notes that the City will gradually be moving toward wireless water monitoring instead of manual meter reading. A revised Waste Services Bylaw will no longer include fines - instead, it will focus on the terms of service specific to waste utilities, such as the set-out area being free of obstructions, spacing requirements for containers, and disposing of waste in the appropriate container. Other community standards bylaws will address improper waste disposal penalties. Also of note, waste utility rates will not change this year.
  • On Tuesday, at 8:30 am, there will be an Agenda Review Committee meeting. Shortly after, at 9:30 am, there will be a City Council meeting. Agenda highlights for the latter meeting include bylaws to authorize the reconstruction of William Hawrelak Park and the High Level Bridge, as well as a confidential labour relations update. There are 24 pending motions up for discussion with limited details available. Titles of the motions include Surplus School Sites, Arts Habitat, Edmonton Valley Zoo, and Assisted Snow Programs.
  • The Telus World of Science continues to host the “Blue Whale Story”, their feature exhibit this winter. The exhibit contains, amongst other things, an entire blue whale skeleton. The whale, which died off the coast of Newfoundland in 2014 from natural causes, is an impressive 78-foot specimen and would have weighed as much as 20,000 lbs during its life. The exhibit contains the only preserved blue whale heart in the world, which is as big as a cow.